Wednesday, 27 May 2009

Free One Page Dungeon - Ognort's Goblin Nightclub

Ognort's Goblin Nightclub is where Goblins go to relax, drink, fight, carouse, party, fight, spew spoo and fight. Ognort, a stupidly rich Goblin has got a chest of treasure in his office that your player characters have heard about. Now they just need to get in and sneak out with it. Will they pass themselves off as Goblins or will they just plough in? How long can they keep their cover? Will they nuke the site from orbit? Oh, hang on, wrong genre.

Click for the PDF

It all came from a flippant remark I made to Michael Erb on Twitter. I've never made a dungeon before, so would appreciate any feedback. Could you run this? Would you run this?

Edit - How remiss! I should have mentioned that I made it for the 1 Page Dungeon Contest - check out the other entries.


OlmanFeelyus said...

Very nice! I don't know if I'd "run" it per se, but I'd definitely plug it into a setting I was using. It would make a great bit of local colour and opportunity for some investigation. Love the layout as well. Nice typefaces!

Rob Lang said...

@Olman, thanks for the feedback. I like the idea that it is pluggable - makes it useful to existing GMs, rather than forcing a GM to make use of it. :)

matt said...

Awesome! I love it, and actually would use this in my very next game. Well, I would anyway, if I could download the file. I HATE certainly one of the worst websites on the web.

Good job though.

Anonymous said...

Mint !

matt said...

Well, darn you. You inspired me and I did a little one page dungeon designing myself.

matt said...

And the madness continues, darn you!
I made another one, this time, zombies!

Gordon said...

I think you should feature a one page dungeon from the contest's archive every monday.

Do it now. That is all.

Big G

Rob Lang said...

It's a super idea. I'm still a bit paused on reviewing at the moment. I need to organise my backlog and get started again!

Michael Taylor said...

I couldn't download it either. :(

Rob Lang said...

Thank you for letting me know, Michael! I'm sorry you couldn't download it. I have moved the PDF over into Google Drive, so you should be able to click on the link and download it without Scribd's understandably arcane requirements.