There are going to be a few improvements here on the blog over the next week, the first was finished today - the theme! If you read the blog in an RSS Reader, then take this opportunity to
pop along to the blog to have a gander and let me know if you like it. I hope you do. Some of the sidebars need to be put back but the content is still there, surrounded by a more pleasant (bling) skin. What else is happening? Keep reading to find out.
Have your own site? Love free stuff? Let people know!
Thank you to those of you who added the '
Vote Truly Free' support badge for the Ennies this year. However, I can't let you keep that hurriedly composed piece on beautiful blogs. Instead, feel free to use one of these lovelies, linking either to here or to
1KM1KT (whichever takes your fancy). No need to host yourself, just use the Picasaweb link. Please do resize if you need to fit it onto your blog.
Coming very soon
Update! Quicker than I thought! I can now be found at and the RSS feed has been moved over to feedburner. The joy is that you probably don't need to update your RSS feeds! If you keep getting the posts in every Tuesday, it's all gone through automatically.
I have purchased (which only redirects at the moment) and I will be moving the RSS feed over to feedburner. These will take a few days to get sorted and there might be a slight downtime while the internet gets used to the new address. Once it is all stable, I'll let you know so you can move your bookmarks and RSS feeds. Thank you in advance for your continued support and patience while I invariably balls it up.
Still reading? One last free thing as a thank you
I crafted this lovely wallpaper for your lovely computer. Assuming you are using a computer to read this and you're not using an immensely complex ticker tape device. Clicky for a biggy (more sizes available on request - just leave a comment).
Wow! I am very much impressed! The new look of the site is just awesome! And I really love the new logo! Keep up the great work, Rob!
I like the redesign - very shiny. Keep it up!
Thanks for the feedback, chaps! I did wonder while I was doing the design (with my baby-addled brain) whether or not it was actually going to look ok.
More interesting content next week.
Very nice! Love the logo. It says it all. Great work.
Thanks walkerp! Glad you like the logo. I tried to make it for the community as a whole, not just me. I think most of the coat of arms is self-explanatory.
Added to my blog. As one who's wrapping up the first draft of a free RPG, I can't help but support sites like your own.
Thanks again for all your work here!
Very classy. Might have to upgrade myself at this rate... :-)
"Assuming you are using a computer to read this and you're not using an immensely complex ticker tape device."
I use a 19thC morse code machine which beeps in 7bit ASCII, My Cybernetic Cochlea decodes into 1's and 0's and sends to my AI core. bringing a new meaning to connect to the internet
but seriously, good work on the website and Logo
Nice, way to snazz the place up a tad.
@satyre I hope you're wearing a tie while reading this. Proper decorum must be obeyed.
@misterecho. I thought there was something odd about you. You do you encode pictures into morse, eh? Do they come through as ASCII art?
@Zzarchov Fabulous understatement there, sir!
No for pics i use a monitor and the MK1 eyeball, smart ass :)
Love the new layout, and I've added the logo button to my own RPG blog.
Only design niggle I can see is the Newer / Older posts / Subscribe links at the bottom of each page could do with vertical separation from the bottom of the last post -- I think they get a bit lost next to the labels of the last post on the page? I only nit-pick because I love this blog so much!
Hey Phil, thanks for the feedback! I completely agree about the links. I will separate those out this weekend. Thanks also for adding the logo to your blog!
Up the Philanthropists!
Nice job, very well done. A very nice update, smooth and clean, modern yet friendly.
I really like the logos you came up with, but I'm a bit wary of using Adobe's symbol on them - not so much for copyright but because I don't think promoting a single company is really in the spirit of philanthropy. Is there something else we could put there instead? A struck-through dollar sign or a symbol of caring/community/sharing? A silhouette of a present?
Chris, you raise an interesting point. I used adobe because free RPGs tend to be best made in PDF. Now that you mention it, I am keen to change it!
Struck through currency signs is a good sentiment but which currency sign to use?
I like the idea of a silhouette of a present. As in a gift given for free. I'll give it a go this weekend. Watch my Twitter account for an update!
Thanks, sir, you're really got me thinking! :)
Nice look for the blog, except it's hard to tell where one post ends and another begins, perhaps a horizontal line or bar between them?
Thanks everyone! I have made some more small updates that might make it easier to navigate a bit. :)
I free RPG I trust (and I link :D )
Zarcania - As do we all!
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