Yes, yes, it's a fantastically difficult one this year but not only do you get the chance of winning a lovelys fats £30 Amazons Vouchersis but you will also qualify for NaGaDeMon bragging rights. I know you love a challenge because you've read this far without your eyes popping out. To be in for a chance of winning £30 in an Amazon Voucher:
1. Write a roleplaying game without numbers.
2. Write it in the Pocketmod format
Find out more about what on Earth a Pocketmod is here.3. Spend 24 hours writing a roleplaying game during November.
4. Make sure you include an NPC called Keeton in your game.
5. Upload your game to 1KM1KT by 00:00 (GMT) 1st December 2013.
6. Make a thread here on 1KM1KT about your game.
(Optional but we'd like you to, please put it in the special 2013 Forum.)7. Check back on 1st of January 2014 to find out who the winner is, or check on The Free RPG Blog.
8. You can use more than one Pocketmod booklet but kudos will go to those with a complete game in the fewest.
What are the rules?
Apart from the list above, you must obey the 24 hour RPG rules. The judge's decision is final. £30 will be in Amazon vouchers, emailed to you.I want the £30 to pay my D&D habit! What is it judged on?
Poor you! Our panel of monkeys will be judging you on:- Must include an NPC called Keeton
- Innovative: Is it a clever use of the small space?
- Complete: Is it complete? Could you run it?
- Attractive: Is it pleasant to look at?
- Professional: How much effort went into layout and style?
- Extras: Did they include actual cover, index, character sheet or any other cool things you get in a proper RPG? Yes, even in a Pocketmod!
Can we write and submit in October, or November only?
Hello! Good question. It's only in November, I'm afraid. You can practise, and play with some themes but the game itself should only be written in a single 24 hour period in November.
Good luck!
Would you like to add an accesory found these
When you said without numbers does this mean no printed numbers on the pocketmod or no number at all (any kind of arithmetic, this mean no dice, no counters or token...) ?
Hi Stab, it's a good question. Go as far as you can without numbers. We're really talking about arithmetic here. We're avoiding the vast number of die based mechanics that are stat + mod < target number.
Bartering, counters and tokens are all good, as are purely narrative solutions. If you find you're writing "Strength: 5", you've gone wrong! ;-)
thanks for the reply.
makes more sence to me now, I already got a few ideas for that more or less boardgamey ^^ I just hope my shity english will not get in the way when I'll try to write anything...
Hey Stab, we don't mind if English is not A+! We have lots of Monkeys on 1KM1KT for whom English is not their first language and they submit some great games. As long as we get the idea of the game, that's all we judge on.
I wanna join. But I'm scared. :-)
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