Von Droogs
Your character is a member of the Von Droog family. A charming pod of ultraviolent Austrians living in a Nazi infested the mountain range. It's 1995 and the hills are alive with the sound of fascists. Each Droog has three (just a few) favourite things and you are desperate to save them. They could be people, objects or places. You set the look of your character, pick and name and that is all. This is a storygame, after all.Unmechanical

The spotlight player (the Von Droog) can choose leave the scene outcome to fate by rolling dice, winner narrating the ending or to inact ultraviolence to save their favourite thing from harm. Ultraviolence demands that the player describe the horrific and uncomfortable violence in vessel bursting detail. Perhaps more disturbing still is that tied fate rolls lead to singing (or rhyming at least).
The closing mechanic that decides how your character ends up after the ordeal is the Denouement Chart. You marry up the number of favourite things you saved and the number of times you used ultraviolence. The more you save with the least Ultraviolence you use the better but there is no winning here, just different kinds of success. Do you end up weak and broken, a violent psychotic or a folk hero? Your choices during the game decides.In 24 hours?

Bloody Hell
The Droog Family Songbook picks you up, shakes you and kicks you over a garden wall. It blends dark humour and uncomfortable surreality together, which might not be to everyone's taste. Most of all, the game is novel form of cranial fornication which leaves you stunned into wondering what it is like to play. Very few roleplaying games can do that. This one can.Well done, Nathan! The £30 in Amazonness is coming your way.
Bloody hell, indeed. Congratulations to Nathan, excellent game!
If you haven't already, check out FU, Nathan's free RPG ruleset. It's quite awesome and a perfect candidate for your site. It also comes with some cool mods. One of the better rules-lite games I've read lately!
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