Forsooth! He's made software out of it
Yes! I've gone and taken all 12 tiles (so far) and performed some digital magic to turn them into a web page that will generate a dungeon for you. You can then print or take a screenshot. Or generate another. The possibilities are endless! Do be careful: changing the values in the boxes will create a new map!
I'm hosting it on a spare web host, so you might find that the location moves in the future (perhaps to Dyson's own blog) but I promise I will leave a forwarding device, so please do bookmark. I hope Dyson keeps going so I can keep adding more tiles to the page, it will look better and better each time. The overlap you see is to make the tiles line up a bit. As they are a little rough in size, you'll find that there can be a bit of overlap. I think it adds character to the result. If you can think of a feature you would like, please do comment.
With some mirth, I'm excited to announce that I haven't told Dyson I'm doing this. So, we all get to see the golden man's aghast internet persona when he discovers this. I see it as piling philanthropy onto philanthropy until we end up in an enormous philanthropic heap. It's a way of saying thank you.
I've been following these posts on Dyson's blog, but what you've done is simply fantastic Rob. A big thanks to you both. :)
This is...wonderful! I love Dyson's maps, and this makes for fantastic dungeons.
I'm automatically not accepting any thanks or praise. I'm handing them on to Dyson. It only took me an hour, so I simply cannot accept any praise.
Thank you nonetheless.
well done Dyson!!
no praise for rob.
Now that's just awe-inspiring brilliance from you both. Yes, even you Rob.
Very cool. Great work!
I hacked (and when I say hacked, I mean hacked) one together today once I saw this. Mine isn't pretty or do options, but it rotates the graphics to give more combinations.
VW: splathos - the pity evoked when you see someone splashed by a car going by.
Now this. This is awesome.
@Everyone, thank you all! The best way to thank us is to follow Dyson's blog.
@Restless - I tried the link earlier and it worked a treat but now it is dead. Would you mind if I added the same functionality to my version? I'll give you props, naturally. Did you do it in JS or PHP on the backend?
Sure, it's no problem! I did it on the backend with PHP. It'd be less load on your host if you did it with Javascript, though. Like I said, I was spending an idle half hour hacking it together, and most of that was trimming the images down a bit in Photoshop.
Rob, you kick ass.
Restless, nice hack.
Wow, Rob. Great new look for the blog!
Thanks, Dyson! Glad you like it. Have found a solution to the rotating images in javascript and will be giving it a go this coming week. :)
love the new layout, very swish!
Before I saw that others had already done the same, I threw together my own version of Rob Langs dungeon generator: http://www.pulven.net/randomdungeon/
This version is hardcoded to only show a 3x4 dungeon - whats different from Rob's version is that each tile is rotated randomly
@Jakob, love your version. It's cool. Must get some of that rotating going on with the javascript version. I've updated the blog post to point it at yours too.
Rob - I've started my own geomorph project over at the Risus Monkey (www.risusmonkey.com). I'm not up to Dyson standards, but I'm still having fun with it. Would you mind if I borrow some of your java script code to create my own generator?
A the Risus Monkey! Hello! I have been following your site for some time. Please do wholesale use the javascript. I'm not proud. :)
If you need a host for your final geomorph map maker, and assuming it's free then let me know and I'll see if Our Glorious Benefactor on 1KM1KT will host it for you. I warn you that the bandwidth can be very high with all those images.
Thanks Rob! I've got hosting. I was just looking for a shortcut in coming up with a generator. I'm juggling far too many projects to roll my own. :)
The Risus Monkey Mapper is up at: http://www.velvet-edge.com/RisusMonkeyMap.html
Thanks once again for the html/java. It saved me a bunch of time.
Hi Rob,
So you dont mind then if others use your source code in their web pages? I will of course point back here and duly credit you if I use any of it.
Hey Greg, please do! Make sure you credit the designers most of all.
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