Sunday, 1 December 2013

Chatting about free RPGs in the first Monkey Hangout - now on YouTube

You know what's weird? I've been talking to Chainsaw Aardvark on 1KM1KT for 7 years and in my head he looks like an Aardvark in black and white, holding a chainsaw. That's weird. BUT WEIRD NO MORE! Chainsaw and some other luminaries from the Monkey community got together on Google Hangouts to chat RPGs. We got to actually talk face to face rather than waiting for a reply on a thread. It was delightful and refreshing and my face still hurts from smiling.

It was rough around the edges (I'd never done one before) but everyone threw themselves into the spirit of it and it was so wonderful to actually chat with people I've shared so much headspace with.

Thank you all for making time to join in!

Feedback please!

I'll be watching it through again soon, collecting links for the notes (I'll update this post and the YouTube video for posterity). I'd love to hear what you think of the Hangout. Did you like the format? Did we try to cover too much? Was it too slow? Too fast? Did we need to bring the sexy a bit more? All feedback welcome.


Chainsaw Aardvark said...

I listened to the whole thing again, and made a list of all RPGs mentioned.

Ghost City Raiders
ChromaTeam vs the Terrorlights
Droog Family Songbook
Heroes Against Darkness
Eclipse Phase
Ghost City Raiders
Crimson Cutlass
Metrapole Luxury Coffin
Rivet RPG
Lady Blackbird
The Beat Goes On
First Edition Marvel Heroes
MAGUS (RPG from communist Hungary)
Dead and Back

I probably paused too much in speaking, but overall it was fun and I'm looking forward to doing this again.

Michael Taylor said...

I thought this discussion was interesting and had some very interesting questions, but I think the answers would definitely be better in writing. Is it possible to post a list of all the questions asked?

Michael Taylor said...

Is "Crimson Cutlass" the class Better Games version or is there another one?

I thought I was the only one on earth who remembered this game - much less owned a copy! But I don't think it was ever a 'free' game so I'm wondering how it got mentioned?


Rob Lang said...

Hi Michael, I'm not sure. I'd have to rewatch the video and do some Googling!