Friday, 13 July 2012

Little Spaces entries - 16 micro bundles of delight!

During May and June 1KM1KT ran the Little Spaces 24 hour RPG competition. In just 24 hours, the brave philanthropists creatively splurged into PDFs with no regard for their own well being. The 1KM1KT mods are currently in the midsts of reading and judging the entries so we can award the "retire-now" £30 Amazon voucher. While we do that, you can check out the entries!

Hover over the picture for the game's name and author, click to go to it.

Claustrophobia by Rodney Sloan Dr. Keeton's Machine by Bender42 Fate Game - Eduardo Lozano Munera GOBLIN CAVE - Stuart Burns How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb shelter - Luke Hawksbee I Will Be Hamlet!- Martin Van Houtte Ringworld Zombie - Jaap De Goede SMAF 17 - Edwin Moriarty SSN 589 USS Scorpion Down - Jaap De Goede Star Travels - Emmet O'Brian Tale of Narvi- Kyle Willey The Silent Void- J K Mosher Torus One - Maledictus Viento Libre - Francisco Solier Wings Keeton and the Airship of Doom - Gregory McKenzie Yes, but - Andrey Stoliarov


Rodney said...

Woohoo! Well done everyone. Nice collection of covers.

Rodney said...

Very nice collection of covers, well done everyone. I think this is a collective win for role-playing and insanity in general!