Sunday, 22 November 2009

New 'In Philanthropists We Trust' images

Thank you to everyone who took the time to comment on my blog redesign. Chris Sakkas suggested that the Adobe logo on the book wasn't really appropriate and with hindsight, I can only agree! I have made a new batch of images with a gift box instead of the Adobe logo.

Sadly Picasaweb, my image host, will not allow me to replace the images - only upload new ones! Thank you to everyone who put the image on their blog, if I could please ask you to change over to the new one, I would be very grateful indeed. Sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for you continued support!

Here are the new ones (with the new background) for your linking pleasure.


Zachary Houghton said...

I just realized I didn't have 1KM1KT on my Links! Fixed!

Rob Lang said...

The heresy! On behalf of the monkeys at 1KM1kT: much thanks, sir.

Jack Badelaire said...

Old image removed, new image added...

Fatih said...

But what does the gift box stand for?

Rob Lang said...

@Badelaire - much thanks! Sorry for the hassle.

@Frontside - A gift is a free thing that someone gives to someone else as a present. That's really what a free RPG is - a gift from a philanthropist to the world!