Free RPG Blog Directory
I've been working through my favourite free RPG directories and picking those RPGs that I believe will satisfy your thirst for free roleplay goodness. For every review, I read three RPGs and click ten links. For each 'not found' page, I shed both a tear and a piece of my soul (why do they not upload to 1KM1KT?). I'd like not to be put through that horror but shredding my soul is part of my job here on the free rpg blog. To shield you from that emotional hardship, I have created another RPG Directory. As if we didn't have enough.It's a lot of work to keep these directories up to date and manage existing links, so I have opted to use the social bookmarking system to do that. Think of it as the lazy man's directory. I will tag each link I put in with a little description. Here are some way to use the directory:
- Go straight there and browse
- Browse the links by tag, for example fantasy.
- Follow new links on RSS Additionally, existing Delicious users can...
- Add thefreerpgblog to your network.
- Let me know of something you've found by adding a link with the tag 'thefreerpgblog'.
Farsight Games has gone content mad!
Jon Hicks, over on Farsight games has been busying away with new settings for the Sketch system. A delightful flood of free RPG goodness. A post apocalyptic setting, The 13th Year, dark fantasy Darkland and Highlander (as in the film. You know, the the Good One). They all look smashing and have been added onto my list. If you can't wait, then Unclebear is also feeling the Sketch love. If you're not feeling the Sketch love, then give it a try.Also, I filled in a review for a future free ODDS ezine. For a raving egomaniac, that's a dream come true.
1 comment:
Added to my network. Also, I'll be sure to check out Sketch. Sounds interesting.
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